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Saturday Club Ride – 24th Feb 2024

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I’ll be there, group 2 please.

Yes please. Group 1.


Group 2 thanks


Yes please, group 2

Yes I’ll be there!

Group 2 for me please


Quote from JamesH on 21 February 2024, 22:08

Forgot to say – I’ll be there! G1 please.



Probably won’t make it now, seem to have some form of lurgy (thankfully not covid this time…) – if I’m not there I’m not there! Have a good one.



Group 3 for me, please, if numbers allow.

Quote from AlastairSmith68 on 21 February 2024, 18:21

Yes please, group 2, please.

Sounds like a plan !
Any places left in G2 ?? 👍

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