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Saturday 4th May

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Thanks Mike, Group 2/3 short of time so may cut back at Nairn


Mike G has reacted to this post.
Mike G

Thanks Mike

Group 3, 2/3 depending on numbers.

Mike G has reacted to this post.
Mike G

Thanks, Mike.

Group 2 I expect.



Mike G has reacted to this post.
Mike G

Apologies, i have an appt now so need to cancel my place please.  Will ride soon. 😊

Mike G has reacted to this post.
Mike G

That will be fine



Quote from AnneMcK on 2 May 2024, 08:31

Hello 👋 group 3 for me please (if I could join from the Battlefield), I’ll just be with you a short while, so I’ll likely head back myself from Nairn (trying to build back up after injury), thanks

That will be fine



AnneMcK has reacted to this post.

Thanks Mike.

Group 2/3 for me, please, depending on numbers.


Mike G has reacted to this post.
Mike G

Put me down for group 2 for this week. Thanks

Mike G has reacted to this post.
Mike G

Looks good!

Group 1 or 2 depending on numbers


Mike G has reacted to this post.
Mike G

Hi, can I have a group 3 please……



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