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Monday Development ride 15 April 2024

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Quote from Jills on 14 April 2024, 17:44

Penny, I’m happy to do an out and back tomorrow with you since everyone else is for medium route.

Thats a kind offer but don’t worry, I’ll join as far as Dores then happy to go my own way from there depending what I’m in the mood for.  It’ll be nice to get the chat and company for the first bit but no need to de-rail any plans just to accommodate me.


I’m new and just getting back in to it. Would like to join you tonight. If I can’t keep up I’m happy to make my own way back.


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Thanks Jill, medium route please.


Medium route for me and Katie please!

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Medium route for me, please.

Thanks Jill!

Medium route please…thank you.


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Hi there I’m new and I’ll hopefully be joining if the weather isn’t terrible.

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Medium route please – first ride with you all – hope it’s not too wet 🙂

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I’ll be there – medium route would be my preference, but happy with any.

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Quote from Simmo on 11 April 2024, 11:51

I’ll be there (unless the weather is rotten!)  Medium route would be my preference

Unfortunately kids have got in the way. Have a good ride. Hope the weather gods are kind

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