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Sunday 13th October – Club Road Ride

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Due to the weather conditions over the weekend, the club road ride is on Sunday, with a slightly later start time to allow things to warm up a bit after the likelihood of frost in places overnight.

The route is around 44 miles/71 km but with plenty of options to extend should folk want. The cafe stop is at Househill.

We ask that folk pre-select groups, either 1, 2 or 3, based on an average speed. Please note that speeds are a rough guide and may indeed be slower or faster depending on conditions. We will endeavour to accommodate your group selection, dependent on rider numbers and availability of ride leaders. For the safety of all riders we operate a no-drop policy on Saturday rides.

Group 1 – 16-18mph / 26kph-29kph
Group 2 – 14-16mph / 22kph-26kph
Group 3 – 13-15mph / 21kph-24kph

If you want to challenge yourself then you can select a faster group than your usual but with the option of dropping down after the coffee stop.

The route for this Sunday starts and finishes at Fairways. The forecast currently suggest that it’s going to be cold but dry, so please dress accordingly. Please also check the forum for updates before attending in case of any changes due to the weather.

Details of the route can be found below, please download to your bike computer if you have one:


Meet at Fairways roundabout, just off the distributor road, at 09:50 for a 10:00 departure.

Riders should ensure their bikes are mechanically sound before attending a club ride and that the following minimum spares / tools are carried.

2x inner tubes
2x Co2 canisters (& dispenser) or appropriate hand pump
adhesive patches
Multi tool
Quick link (appropriate for your chain speed)
Tyre levers

Please also note that we ask people to carry ICE (In Case of Emergency) details with them on our rides. Please carry on ICE card or similar in your seatbag, or back pocket if you ride without one, detailing the name and phone number we should contact if you are involved in an accident.

Hope to see you Sunday,


Thanks Steve. See you Sunday. Flexible re group.

SteveB has reacted to this post.

I’m in, thanks Steve


SteveB has reacted to this post.

Hi Steve

Okay for Sunday.

SteveB has reacted to this post.

See you Sunday…Thanks Steve.

SteveB has reacted to this post.

Hope there is some 🌞 


SteveB has reacted to this post.

I’m in, Group 3 if poss, thank you 👍

SteveB has reacted to this post.

I should be there, ice allowing.

Group 2/3 ( based on prior performance;-)

SteveB has reacted to this post.

Planning on being there also.


SteveB has reacted to this post.

Yes please, group 2. Sorry I’m a bit late with reply 🙄

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