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Saturday Cafe ride via Garbole, 1/6/24

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Saturday’s ride will be to the Carrbridge Kitchen, Carrbridge via Garbole.

The route is approximately 133km with an elevation gain of 1805m. This is a hilly route so reasonable fitness is required, however Garbole can be by-passed via Moy and the detour round Lochindorb may be avoided too if desired.

We ask folks to pre-select groups, either 1, 2 or 3, based on average speed.

(Please note speeds are a rough guide and may vary up or down on the day depending on conditions). We will endeavour to accommodate your group selection, dependent on rider numbers and availability of ride leaders. For the safety of all riders, we operate a “no drop” policy on our Saturday rides.

Group 1: 26-29kph / 16-18mph

Group 2: 22-26kph / 14-16mph

Group 3: 21-24k[h / 13-15mph

If you want to challenge yourself, you can select a faster group than usual with the option of dropping down after the coffee stop. This route offers a couple of points where it can be shortened too.


Please meet at Fairways roundabout, just off the distributor road at 08:50 for a 09:00 departure. Details of the route can be found below.

Please download to your bike computer, if you have

The current forecast is for a mild, cloudy day with temperatures of 18  ̊C around mid-day.

See you Saturday,

Alastair S

Group 2/3 please! Will probably drop off at some point, need to be home for early afternoon 😃

RayStewart has reacted to this post.

Groupeto two for me 👍🚴🏼

Thanks Alastair!

I’d be up for a shorter option – group 2/3 – missing out Lochindorb & Drynachan loops & potentially returning via the Culloden Battlefield road.

If no other interest for that, no worries.



AlastairSmith68 and bethanysim have reacted to this post.

Yes please…I’ll likely join Lorna for the shorter route home if that’s okay.
Group 2/3…Thank you.

AlastairSmith68 and bethanysim have reacted to this post.

I was thinking of joining and peeling off at findhorn bridge for a much shorter loop.

First club ride this year and only managed 1 Monday last year so Im think that distance is a bit too much for my current level.

Carbridge home with shortcuts and peeling off would be 105km 1286m assent. Might still be too much.

Currently I’m thinking join group ride to  findhorn bridge, then cycle past loch moy, clava cairns, Battlefield and home. 68.3km 845m assent.

But feel free to suggest.

Group 3

Yes from me – group 2ish.

Plenty of possible options to vary sections of the route depending on numbers and happy to do so if it keeps group numbers viable.


Happy to do full route group 2 please.

I’m up for it.





I have to cancel today. My wife isn’t feeling well. Sorry for the short notice.


I’m in please

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