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Monday Development Ride – 13th May 2024

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There are 2 routes on offer this week both starting at Culloden Battlefield.

Both routes will go behind the Culloden Battlefield along the B851 towards the A9.  We will cross the A9 (taking extra care) into Daviot and along the rolling terrain towards the Balnafoich Crossroads, dropping down to Inverarnie.  From there we will re-join the B851 back towards the A9 and using the tunnel to safely cross before heading along the Craggie Road.  The shorter route will turn off here and drop down past Clava Cairns before a final climb back to the start.  The longer route will continue along the road towards the Cantraybridge College crossroads, crossing the River Nairn at that point before a final leg test up Sunnyside to the start point

The meeting point is the Battlefield car park (the section closest to the B9006). Other ways to find this location are: ///outermost.protect.sushi in what3words, or by looking for the start point of the ride in the Strava route included below.  Note that the gates to the main car park get locked about 1830/1900  so if you take a vehicle, bear this in mind when parking up.

Please be at the meeting point by 18:20hrs at the latest for an 18:30hrs start.

The route can be viewed and downloaded for your bike computer here:

Longer Route

Shorter Route

At this stage the forecast for Monday is debatable about our start time, but please keep an eye on the forecast and always check the forum before attending a ride in case of last-minute updates.

All those wishing to join the ride need to post below by 16:00 on Monday when the ride will be closed.

Please ensure that your bike is in a roadworthy condition and that you are carrying a spare inner tube, tyre levers and a method of inflation as a minimum.

While the nights are getting brighter, the weather is variable and so lights are highly recommended.  These are for the safety of yourself and the group and, depending on time of day, can become a legal requirement.

Finally, please also note that we ask that everyone carries ICE (In Case of Emergency) details with them on our rides. An ICE card, or similar, should be carried in your seatbag (or back pocket if you ride without one) detailing the name and phone number that should be contacted if you are involved in an accident. The ICC Emergency Contact Details Card is available to be downloaded and printed out for this purpose. Please ask for details.


See you on Monday



Mike G has reacted to this post.
Mike G

See you there.


Simmo has reacted to this post.

Either route works for me



Simmo has reacted to this post.

Short route I imagine


Simmo has reacted to this post.

I will be there providing work allows😀

Simmo has reacted to this post.

I hope to make it.

Simmo has reacted to this post.

Feeling under the weather so will give tonight a miss. Enjoy the ride.

Simmo has reacted to this post.

I’ll be there. Happy with either route.



Simmo has reacted to this post.

Long route please 🙂

Simmo has reacted to this post.
Quote from ChrisDon on 13 May 2024, 08:52

Feeling under the weather so will give tonight a miss. Enjoy the ride.

Get well soon mate.  See you another time

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