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Monday 9th Sept

The ride will start from the usual Fairways roundabout meeting point. For new folk this is the small roundabout set back from Slackbuie roundabout on the Inverness Southern Distributor road (on the section of Slackbuie Avenue furthest from the city centre). Other ways to find this location are to search for “Fairways Business Park” in Google Maps, ///stubborn.relate.wobbles in what3words, or look for the start point in the Strava routes included below.

Please be at the meeting point by 18:05 at the latest for an 18:15 start. This earlier start is to ensure we have enough daylight to complete the ride should we be delayed out on the road for any reason.

Please also ensure that you bring charged front and rear lights as daylight fades fast at this time of year.

The route can be viewed and downloaded for your bike computer here:

Monday Route

All those wishing to join the ride need to post below by 16:00 on Monday when the ride will be closed.

Please ensure that your bike is roadworthy and that you are carrying a spare inner tube, tyre levers and a method of inflation as a minimum.


See you there.



Mike G has reacted to this post.
Mike G

I’m planning on being there. I’m on jury duty, and recovering from injury, so don’t wait if I’m waylaid for whatever reason. I’ll be taking it pretty easy, as well.

Mike G has reacted to this post.
Mike G


Planning to be there. Not been before.

See you later

Dave Mowat

Mike G has reacted to this post.
Mike G

Ill be along

Mike G has reacted to this post.
Mike G

I will be joining tonight (first time).


Many thanks, Sammy ✌️

Mike G has reacted to this post.
Mike G

I’ll be there!


Mike G has reacted to this post.
Mike G

See you there,


Mike G has reacted to this post.
Mike G

Ill be there.


Mike G has reacted to this post.
Mike G