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Monday 6th May development ride

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ICC Monday development ride – 6 May 2024

Monday’s ride will begin from Culloden Battlefield, with a choice of two routes. The shorter and slightly flatter route will head east through Cawdor to Raitloan, returning via Clephanton – a total distance of 23 miles. The longer route is the same on the outward leg but will return via Delnies, Gollanfield and Loch Flemington – a total of 27 miles.

The meeting point is the main Battlefield car park. If driving to the start, it is better to park in the small parking area at the entrance (to avoid being locked in), but we will meet in the larger main car park to avoid blocking access. Other ways to find this location are: ///suits.existence.passion in what3words, or by looking for the start point of the ride in the Strava routes included below.

Please be at the meeting point by 18:20hrs at the latest for an 18:30hrs start.

The routes can be viewed and downloaded for your bike computer here:

At this stage the forecast for Monday suggests a fairly warm evening with a moderate and variable wind. As always, please keep an eye on the forecast and check the forum in case of last-minute updates.

All those wishing to join the ride need to post below by 16:00 on Monday when the ride will be closed.

Please ensure that your bike is in a roadworthy condition and that you are carrying a spare inner tube, tyre levers and a method of inflation as a minimum. The evenings are now drawing out nicely with sunset around 21:15, but please bring front and rear lights in case of delays.

Finally, please also note that we ask that everyone carries ICE (In Case of Emergency) details with them on our rides. An ICE card, or similar, should be carried in your seatbag or back pocket detailing the name and phone number that should be contacted if you are involved in an accident. The ICC Emergency Contact Details Card is available to be downloaded and printed out for this purpose. Please ask for details.

See you there,


Mike G and Robert GS have reacted to this post.
Mike GRobert GS

Yes please – relaxed as to which route



MarkW has reacted to this post.

Should be good for Monday evening


any route is better than no route 👍

MarkW has reacted to this post.

Will aim to be there Monday, would prefer longer route, depends on numbers!

MarkW has reacted to this post.

I’ll be there. First cycle of the season.


MarkW has reacted to this post.

I’ll be with Roisin…probably the shorter route.


MarkW has reacted to this post.

I’m hoping to be there. No preference on route

MarkW has reacted to this post.

I will be there. Longer preferably but any will be good.

MarkW has reacted to this post.

I hope to be there. Either route. Neil

MarkW has reacted to this post.

Planning to be there, no route preference.



MarkW has reacted to this post.
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