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Monday 19th August – Development Ride

Ride Cancelled

ICC Monday Development Ride – 19th August

Monday’s ride starts from the Battlefield. There is just one route that follows an anti-clockwise loop through Cawdor. The distance is around 36km / 22 miles.

The meeting point is the Battlefield car park (the section closest to the B9006). Other ways to find this location are: ///outermost.protect.sushi in what3words, or by looking for the start point of the ride in the Strava route included below.

Please be at the meeting point by 18:20 at the latest for an 18:30 start.

The route can be viewed and downloaded for your bike computer here:

The current forecast for Monday evening is looking quite wet. Please check the forecast closer to the time and check this forum topic before heading to the ride in case of any changes due to the weather.

Please ensure that your bike is in a roadworthy condition and that you are carrying a spare inner tube, tyre levers and a method of inflation as a minimum. A rear light is also recommended.

Finally, please also note that we ask that everyone carries ICE (In Case of Emergency) details with them on our rides. An ICE card, or similar, should be carried in your seatbag (or back pocket if you ride without one) detailing the name and phone number that should be contacted if you are involved in an accident. The ICC Emergency Contact Details Card is available to be downloaded and printed out for this purpose. Please ask for details.


All things being well, I’m planning it.  (Weather gods might have their say though!)

Ride Cancelled

Given the lack of interest, and the continued forecast for rain tonight, I’m going to cancel the tonight’s ride. Let’s hope that the weather is more inspiring next week.


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