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Monday 12 August development ride

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ICC Monday development ride – 12 August 2024

Monday’s ride will start from Fairways, head out through Scaniport and up McBain, then continue in an anti-clockwise loop through Dunlichity, Brin and Inverarnie to finish down Leys Brae  – a total of 24 miles. There will also be a shorter option which begins with the gentler climb up Essich and continues round the familiar lochs loop to Dunlichity and Balnafoich, rejoining the longer route to finish down Leys Brae – 18 miles in all.

The ride(s) will start from the usual Fairways roundabout meeting point. For new folk this is the small roundabout set back from Slackbuie roundabout on the Inverness Southern Distributor road (on the section of Slackbuie Avenue furthest from the city centre). Other ways to find this location are to search for “Fairways Business Park” in Google Maps, ///stubborn.relate.wobbles in what3words, or look for the start point in the Strava routes included below.

The routes can be viewed and downloaded for your bike computer here:

At this stage the forecast for Monday suggests that early rain will clear to leave a warm, dry evening with a gradually easing southwesterly wind, but that could of course change. As always, please keep an eye on the forecast and check the forum in case of last-minute updates.

Please ensure that your bike is roadworthy and that you are carrying a spare inner tube, tyre levers and a method of inflation as a minimum.

To join the ride, please post below by 16:00 on Monday when the ride will be closed. Please be at the meeting point by 18:20 at the latest for an 18:30 start.

See you there,


Will be there



MarkW has reacted to this post.

I’ll be there.

MarkW has reacted to this post.

See you there. Chris

MarkW has reacted to this post.

I’ll be there too

MarkW has reacted to this post.

I’m planning to be there.



MarkW has reacted to this post.

I’d like to join if that’s ok? Would be my first time with the club.

Kord and MarkW have reacted to this post.

McBain’s and I don’t like each others company, but I need the challenge. Long course please

MarkW has reacted to this post.

See you there, assuming I escape the office on time!


MarkW has reacted to this post.
Quote from gareth on 11 August 2024, 20:26

I’d like to join if that’s ok? Would be my first time with the club.

Hi Gareth,

Yes, that’s great – look forward to meeting you tomorrow.


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