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ICC Gravel Ride – Wednesday 8th May

Evening Gravel Ride – Wednesday 8th May

Meet at Milton of Leys Primary School in time for a sharp 18:40 departure (if all who have posted are there we will leave early). Start location is ///proclaims.besotted.slung in What3Words in case anyone is unfamiliar. Note the slightly later start time. Parking is available for those driving to the start.

Weather currently OK-ish, chance of showers so please come prepared – if it does turn wet we can shorten easily enough to suit.

Planned route is linked below but is very much a guide; we can amend on the fly depending on time/conditions/general consensus, with options to shorten if needed. One slightly rough steep downhill section but fairly short and easily traversed on foot if needed, but if you’ve done any evening gravel rides before then this won’t be an issue!

Please come prepared with appropriate kit, tools & spares and also ensure you have good lights – whilst the plan is to be back before dark if there is an unexpected delay lights will be needed. They are also generally a good idea for visibility on the road sections of the route.

Please post below if you are coming. Any questions let me know.

Hope to see you Wednesday!


See you there😊

Thanks James, I should be able to make it this week 👍

Aye, that looks like a goer, See you tomorrow,


Al S

Hope to be there if current mental work schedule allows!  Don’t wait if I’m not.
