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Evening Gravel Ride – Wednesday 24th July

Evening Gravel Ride – Wednesday 24th July

Meet at Inverarnie/Farr Community Hall for 18:45.

Note the slightly later start time to accommodate the extra time folk need to reach the meet point. Meet point link in case anyone is unfamiliar >>

Parking is available for those driving to the start.

Planned route is a loop over Farr/Glen Kyllachy Wind Farm, link below. If the weather is less favourable there’s options to stay on lower ground and/or shorten if needed, but at present the forecast looks pretty good! Nothing overly technical on the route, suitable for anyone with an off-road capable bike, MTBs/eMTBs also welcome.

Please come prepared with appropriate kit, tools & spares, lights may also be useful – whilst the plan is to be back before dark if there is an unexpected delay lights will be needed. They are also generally a good idea for visibility on the road sections of the route.

Please post below if you are coming. Any questions let me know.

Hope to see you there!


Buggeit, why not? See you tomorrow night

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I’ll be there.

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