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Club 30 – Gravel (Sat 13 July)

Club 30 is intended to be a short-ish gravel (30km) or road (30 miles) ride with the aim of it finishing by about 11.30/12.00.  The whole idea is to provide a fun, social ride on a Saturday, with an optional cafe stop at the end for anyone who wants one – think playing on your bike as a kid and having a laugh followed by cake!  It will start and finish at the coffee stop so start points will vary depending on the route and routes will vary between gravel and road (often gravel because there’s more variety closer to the city at the 30 distance).  This is particularly suited to club members who might be returning after injury or illness and need a no pressure entry back into it or for folk who just can’t commit to the longer Saturday rides but still want to have a quick blast.  E-bikes are entirely welcome but you should be an experienced cyclist with group riding knowledge – message me with any questions on that front.

This week’s ride is GRAVEL.

Meet at Culloden Battlefield in time for a 09:00 departure. Start location is ///customers.decimals.alerting in What3Words in case anyone is unfamiliar. Parking is available for those driving to the start.

Planned route is linked below but is very much a guide; it’s a little more than 30km (37km/23mi) as planned, but can easily be shortened at multiple points if needed. Nothing overly technical, there’s a few hills but nothing too crazy, would be fine for anyone so long as your bike is suitable for off-road riding.

There’s the option of coffee & cake at the NTS visitor centre at the Battlefield after the ride, but if folk are happy I’d actually suggest we stop at The Barn in Croy for a change, and have a mid-ride coffee & cake!

Please come prepared with appropriate kit, tools & spares. Post below if you are coming, and if you have any questions let me know.



Ian Henderson-Hughes has reacted to this post.
Ian Henderson-Hughes

See you there


JamesH has reacted to this post.

Room for a sore and slow one 🤣😂

JamesH and Nigel Worsey have reacted to this post.
JamesHNigel Worsey

I’ll come along to make it slower still …sorry 🤦

I will bring sexy saddle though for you Ian 😍

JamesH and Ian Henderson-Hughes have reacted to this post.
JamesHIan Henderson-Hughes

I’d hoped to cycle to Findhorn tomorrow but weather isn’t looking as nice as I’d hoped so might come along. If I there I’m there but if not, don’t wait.

JamesH and Ian Henderson-Hughes have reacted to this post.
JamesHIan Henderson-Hughes